Usage instructions CIRCprimerXL

Input variables
parameter default options
species human human, mouse, rat, zebrafish, Xenopus tropicalis, or Caenorhabditis elegans
Of note, the SNP filter is only activated when designing primers for human circRNAs.
splicing yes yes: the template sequence is spliced
no: the template sequence is not spliced
template length 150 (which results in a total template length of 300 nucleotides) any integer between 50 and 500
amplicon length calculated based on template length any integer between 50 and 500
primer GC settings 30-50-80 (minimum – optimum – maximum) any integer between 15 and 85
primer Tm settings 58-59-60 (minimum – optimum – maximum) any integer between 50 and 70
SNP filter strict strict: avoids common SNPs in primer design
loose: avoids common SNPs in the 3' end half of primer
off-targets filter strict strict or loose (see Table 1 in manuscript)
Output variables
column name description
circ_ID circ id assigned to each circRNA (unique within one run)
chr circRNA chromome
startcircRNA start position
end circRNA end position
primer_ID primer ID generated by primer3
FWD_primer forward primer
REV_primer reverse primer
FWD_pos relative position of forward primer
FWD_length length of forward primer
REV_pos relative position of reverse primer
REV_length length of reverse primer
FWD_Tm melt temperature of forward primer
REV_Tm melt temperature of reverse primer
FWD_GC GC content of forward primer
REV_GC GC content of reverse primer
amplicon amplicon sequence amplified by the primer pair
PASS result of filtering (PASS if the primer pair passed all filters, FAIL if the primer pair failed one or more filters)
start_annotation exons used for the template sequence on the right side of the BSJ
end_annotation exons used for the template sequence on the left side of the BSJ
splicing spliced or unspliced template sequence was used